DePaul University Libraries > Special Collections > Policies > Reading Room Guidelines
Reading Room Guidelines
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- Special Collections staff reserves the right to request valid identification from a researcher (driver's license, state ID card, college or university ID card, or passport) before collections are retrieved from the stacks.
- Materials may only be used in this department. They do not leave the Reading Room. Department staff may inspect materials after researcher use before providing additional materials requested.
- Food and drink are strictly prohibited in the Reading Room.
- Pencils are the only writing utensils that may be used in the Reading Room.
- Cell phone conversations are not permitted in the Reading Room. Please turn off your ringer.
- Laptops and digital cameras are permitted, but sound must be turned off.
- All coats, umbrellas, purses, book bags, briefcases, backpacks, etc. are kept in our lockers.
- Staff will advise on the proper handling of all materials. Please feel free to ask for assistance.
- Materials should not be written on, erased on, leaned on, folded anew, traced, or handled in any way likely to inflict damage.
- When using archives, maintain the exact order of folders in a box and of items within a folder. Remove only one folder at a time from the box and do not remove material from folders. Please handle with care.
- Please consult with staff if reproductions are desired (this includes images captured with your own digital or cell phone camera).
- Permission to use archives does not include the permission to publish the information found within them. The researcher assumes full responsibility for complying with applicable copyright law. One copy of an archival document may be made for or by a researcher, but it is understood that it is for his/her own personal research use and may not be further reproduced without permission. Please see the
Reproduction Policy for further details.