DePaul University Libraries > Technology > Loanable Technology

Loanable Technology

DePaul University Library has a variety of technology and equipment available for loan.

Items  are available to check out from the access services desks at the Richardson Library in Lincoln Park and at the Loop Library. Some items are only available at one location.

Return loanable technology and equipment to the desk from which it was borrowed. Do not return items to another location or place in book drops.

Productivity Tools (cables, chargers, etc.)

Adapters, Cables and Connectors


Graphing calculators are available for loan at both the Richardson and Loop library. They can be checked out from the circulation desk.

DVD/CD Drives

DVD drives are available for loan in the Richardson Library and can be used at any Mac computer in the John T. Richardson Library to play DVDs or CDs. These devices can be checked out for 5 hours.

Audio / Visual / Gaming

Video Games and Consoles

DePaul University Library has a number of gaming consoles and video games available for checkout at both the Richardson and Loop Libraries. Visit the catalog to see the current list of all consoles, video games, and their availability:
Check game console availability   Check video game availability


Two Canon DSLR cameras are available for checkout at the Richardson Library to current DePaul students, faculty and staff. Additional cameras, camcorders, tripods, and extra lenses are also available. View the full list of cameras and lenses and their availability:
Check camera and lens availability


Headphones are available for checkout at both the Richardson and Loop Library to current DePaul students, faculty and staff.


Microphones are available at the Richardson Library for use with the Media Studios and for checkout.
Check microphone availability


Logitech HD webcams are available for checkout at both the Lincoln Park and Loop Library circulation desks.

Portable Turntables

Two Victrola portable turntables are available at the Richardson Library to DePaul students, faculty and staff.

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